Diversity and Human Library

L'associazione A.R.T. Fusion Association, partner di Scambieuropei, sta organizzando un Grundtvig workshop della durata di una settimana (23-30 Novembre) nella cittadina di Busteni, Romania dal titolo Diversity and Human Library.

Al workshop parteciperanno volontari da Francia, Italia, UK, Paesi Bassi e Lettonia

I costi di viaggio, vitto ed alloggio sono coperti al 100% grazie ai contributi del Programma Life Long Learning dell'Unione Eruopea

Di seguito trovate la descrizione del progetto e le modalità di candidatura attraverso l'associazione ospitante;

Oltre a questi passagi vi ricordiamo che è necessario:

  • Indicare l'Associazione Scambieuropei come sending ogranization
  • Essere soci dell'Associazione Scambieuropei (40 euro comprendenti quota di partecipazione al progetto)
  • Inserire l'indirizzo redazione@scambieuropei.com   
The main goal of the project is to support youth workers and other practitioners working directly with young people in the field of social inclusion and diversity by offering them tools to take action(esspecially Human Library).

Participants of the workshop will:
  • Acquire new skills and knowledge about diversity
  • Will be equipped with  different tools to make their work more inclusive and to take action in the diversity and intercultural learning field
  • Have the chance to plan, implement and evaluate an innovative method- Human Library
  • Be able to implement intercultural perspective in their work and in their everyday reality
  • Develop a proactive and assertive attitude to diversity and cultural differences
  • Develop new international partnerships and cooperation
  • Have a greater understanding of intercultural learning as a powerful tool to create tolerance.

Methodology: The workshop is based on experiential learning – during the learning process participants will explore different methods in the field of diversity and especially will have the chance to analyze, plan, simulate and evaluate a Human Library. The workshop will be build on the participants learning needs and expectations and use as many participative tools.
The working language: English  
The main target groups of this workshop are adult people (defined as over 18 years) that have a genuine interest in diversity field and especially lean how to implement a Human Library in their community (Volunteers, Students, Project Coordinators, Facilitators, Consultants, Journalists, Educator, etc).

More details can be found on the website of ART Fusion Association at the following link http://www.artfusion.ro/?l=en&m=1

For interested people please fill in the attached form or download it from the following links :
www.artfusion.ro and http://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/diversity-and-human-library.2291/
and send it back to this e-mail:   turcussroxana@yahoo.co.uk Questo indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. by 19th of October 2011

Attention: Please also sign and scan the last page of the document with the signature of the candidate and send it as attachment in the same e-mail with the electronic version of the application form.

The evaluation process: The selected participants  and the reserve list will be announced by 22nd of October 2011 by e-mail By 26th of October the selected participants must confirm by e-mail the 100% participation to the workshop
The selection criteria will be: motivation to participate, availability for the period of the training, learning expectation from the training, experience in the field of diversity (if the case), diversity of the experiences and competences.

For questions and information please contact the project coordinator at turcussroxana@yahoo.co.uk

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